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Technology report
 The Causes of Wireless Interference

When your wireless connection is continually being interrupted or is weaker than usual, the old trick of simply turning your router off and on won't work. The interference you're getting from household objects, your proximity to your wireless router and even light fixtures in the area can disrupt your signal and provide poor connectivity. Check your devices to troubleshoot which is causing wireless interference so you can remedy the situation and get a stronger signal.
Cordless Phones
Having a cordless phone in the vicinity that operates on the 2.4-GHz or 5-GHz frequency can disrupt your connectivity. The wireless signal being sent to the phone can interrupt the signal being sent from your router to your computer. Purchasing a phone that operates on a range different from your wireless router can help remedy the problem, or you can purchase and install a phone filter into your phone's jack to help minimize interference. Moving your phone further from your router may also help reduce interference.

Light Bulbs
It may sound surprising, but certain energy-saving fluorescent light fixtures can leak radio frequency interference that interrupts your wireless signal, according to Cisco Systems. While it's nearly impossible to detect whether or not your light bulbs are the problem, you can discern whether your connectivity experienced a change for the worse upon installing new light fixtures. Swapping fixtures for regular lights should help you strengthen your signal.

Wireless Devices
Cordless phones aren't the only culprit when it comes to wireless interference. Other wireless devices in your home can cause similar effects, resulting in poor connectivity and results. Any things that operate wirelessly, from your garage door opener to Bluetooth devices, can temporarily disrupt your signal. Check to see if they can be changed to different frequencies and ensure you don't have too many wireless devices operating at the same time in order to protect your connection.

If you're doing your work on your back patio instead of your home office, you may get an unreliable signal when you're far away from your router. Not only does the signal have to travel farther, but certain materials act as signal obstructions, so working outside is often more frustration than it's worth. Materials like wood, plaster and glass all allow the signal to pass through easily. Bricks and concrete are more problematic, while concrete and metal can stop a signal dead in its tracks. Move your router if possible, and ensure you aren't attempting to connect through obstructive material.




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